
DiSC Team Building Games

Engaging DiSC Games for Teams QuikDiSC is an engaging card game designed to spark interest and enhance your training experience. Dreamed up by a trio of experienced training experts, the QuikDiSC card game aims to intertwine the nuances of behavioral differences, as depicted in the DiSC® Dimensions of Behavior model, into a lively game setup. …

DiSC® Behavioral Styles – Working with the High S Personality

People with DiSC® Behavioral Styles that show a primary High S Personality or Steadiness style are relationship-oriented and want warm and sincere relationships. What are characteristics of a High S Personality? The S personality type in the DISC model, developed by Dr. William Marston, is known for being steady, stable, and predictable. Individuals with this personality are even-tempered, friendly, …

DiSC® Styles: i Style Personalities

In personality assessments, the DiSC® model is a prominent tool businesses, coaches, and individuals use to foster better workplace dynamics and development. The DiSC® model categorizes personalities into four primary styles: Dominance (D), Influence (i), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C), each with distinct characteristics and behaviors. This article explores and explains “i” style—often associated with …

Talent Development: Want to Be a Great Manager? Develop Your Employees!

Successful companies don’t leave all HR activities entirely for the HR function. Every manager must also take responsibility for the core HR matters of his or her team. One such crucial HR activity is employee development, which should not be pushed into the HR domain only.

Virtual Learning is Here to Stay—How to Make Sure Your Training is Solid

Use these practical tips to make your virtual training sessions more impactful The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to rethink our real-life interactions that included delivering work-related training programs. While the pandemic is receding, virtual training is not. It’s here to stay. In response to a global survey conducted by Simplilearn Solutions, 86% of the respondents …

Feedback and DiSC® Assessments keep your employees outperforming

Regular feedback and DiSC® Assessments keep teams on the fast track to achievement Nature provides feedback immediately. Imagine if there were a lag between grabbing a hot object and feeling its heat. We’d be toasted by the time the pain signal arrived. Giving regular feedback is nature’s way of keeping things on track. But we …

Reimagine Workplace Conflict to Make it Productive

Add the prefix ‘Productive’ to ‘Workplace Conflict’ through the Everything DiSC® Productive Conflict Assessment The word ‘conflict’ has a web of negative connotations around it. The traditional attitude toward conflict has programmed us to avoid it at all costs. But the latest research tells us an entirely different story. Conflict is just like the sunlight …

Spotting and Fostering Curiosity in Your Organization

We’re all born curious. If curiosity weren’t an essential element, nature wouldn’t have bothered. Unfortunately, our society’s design gives us negative reinforcement until our desire to ask questions is finally put to rest. The good news is that inquisitiveness can be reignited. As a leader, you can greatly favor your organization by fostering a curiosity-friendly …

Facilitators Use DiSC® Assessments to Skyrocket Their Training’s Effectiveness

DiSC® Assessments are a surefire way to enhance your training outcomes by providing the inside scoop on your learners’ personalities – in advance! Imagine you walked into a room full of participants to conduct a training workshop and a Sci-Fi lens showed you people’s personality characteristics even before you said Hello to them. Feels like …

Remote Team Building

Five Dysfunctions of a Team In today’s digitally driven world, the flexibility to work from virtually anywhere at any time greatly enhances employee freedom. This evolution in the workplace brings with it significant flexibility on the employee side but presents unique challenges for employers as they strive to ensure a unified and positive experience for …

DiSC® Styles: D Style Personalities

DiSC® Styles: Understanding D Style in DiSC® Profiles The DiSC® assessment is a widely used tool that helps individuals understand their behavior in the workplace. This model categorizes traits into four main styles: Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C). This article focuses on the D Style, often called the “Dominant” style. We …

The EPIC Edge

EPIC is an online profile delivery system that provides a simple way to send, customize, print, and store online assessments. As an EPIC system administrator, you have full control.