DiSC® Workplace – delivers the motivation results your looking for

Internal Motivation is called Intrinsic Motivation 

Intrinsic motivation as described within DiSC® Workplace, refers to motivation that comes from inside an individual rather than from any external or outside rewards, such as money or grades. The motivation comes from the pleasure one gets from the task itself or from the sense of satisfaction in completing or even working on a task.

Intrinsic MotivationMany people believe that the best way to motivate ourselves and others is with external rewards like money and threats (of losing money or a job, etc.) — it’s motivation by carrot-and-stick. There’s one problem with the carrot-and-stick method. It’s completely outdated and it no longer works.

That’s what Daniel H. Pink says in his provocative book:
DRIVE: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

This book is provides the truth about what motivates us.   Pink uses a very interesting analogy – comparing motivation to different generations of operating software. Motivation 1.0 the basic operating system for the first few thousand years was based on the primary needs of the human – food, shelter, clothing and reproduction. Eventually we moved to Motivation 2.0 – basically the carrot and the stick – reward and punishment worked fairly well for a time.

But according to Pink and other scientists, reward and punishment no longer work in most situations. We need to move to Motivation 3.0.

Pink goes into detail about why the carrot and stick motivation does not work. “The traditional `If then’ rewards can give us less of what we want.  They extinguish intrinsic motivation, diminish performance, crush creativity and crowd out good behavior. This can encourage unethical behavior, create addictions and foster short-term thinking. These are the bugs in our current operating system.”

Motivation 1.0 – Eat and reproduce or die.
Motivation 2.0 – Carrot and sticks.
Motivation 3.0 – Intrinsic Motivation causes people to things that will:

  • Enhance one’s autonomy
  • Enable mastery of a valued skill &
  • Contribute to a higher purpose.

Daniel H. Pink, explains the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in the short:
Intrinsic Motivation Video… It’s totally worth your viewing time.

Learn more about Intrinsic motivators with DiSC® Workplace profiles

Here is the full line of DiSC® Profiles :

Everything DiSC® Workplace (online)
Everything DiSC® Sales
Everything DiSC® Management (online)
Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders (online)
Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders (online)

DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profile (online)
DiSC® Classic Profile (the original paper version)

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