DiSC® Behavioral Profiles have evolved from line graphs to a circular graph.


For over thirty plus years, the DiSC® Classic Model has been used to help people understand themselves and others.

Just as personal and ganizational needs continue to evolve, so do the ways in which the DiSC® Profiles can be measured and presented.

Inscape has developed a new approach to measuring DiSC®, moving away from the line graph used in the DiSC® Classic© products, to a more contemporary circle graph which is used in the Everything DiSC® Profile Line.

The Inscape Circumplex model closely resembles the earliest representation of the DiSC® Model as described by William Moulton Marston, the pioneer of DiSC® theory.  Marston’s depiction of DiSC® was presented as a circle on a color wheel, which illustrated the fluid nature of behavior.  By illustrating an individual’s DiSC® style with a dot on a circle graph, participants can quickly see where they fall on the DiSC® Continuum in comparison to other DiSC® Styles.  It also provides a more visual representation of the differences and similarities among the styles.

DiSC® Circle – Benefits to YOU:

  • The Circular representation of the DiSC® graph provides a new way to understand and apply DiSC®.  The circle illustrates the blend of behaviors and better reflects the flow of personality styles – the result is a more intuitive and memorable representation of the DiSC® Model.
  •  Shading on  the circular graph shows the areas where an individual might easily adapt, flex or modify in a specific situation, and areas that may require a person to stretch some behaviors.
  • The Circle also allows the DiSC® Facilitator to quickly assess the composition of a group.  Group Reports present the entire team as  individual dots on the circle map.  This  information enables the facilitator to quickly identify the implications of the  dynamics of group-culture.


The “Priority” words around the perimiter of the  circle map provide an easy and memorable way for participants to appply their  DiSC® knowledge to daily life.  Instead of learning about DiSC® theories, participants can quickly grasp the relevance of  their DiSC® styles to their own personal and professional goals and objectives.


The Scoring  Process for Everything DiSC®:
The scoring in  the Everything DiSC® products is more precise.  With Everything DiSC® Profiles, participants assess themselves based on 79 questions, rated on 5-point scale.

Below  is agraphic view of what the Everything DiSC® response form looks like:

Respondents plotting points are weighted on 8 scales, (D, Di, I, IS, S,  SC, C or CD)    This allows respondents more freedom to answer in a way that best describes them.  The circle  graph helps people to visually interpret relationships while realizing patterns in group dynamics.

The Line graph depiction of the DiSC® Classic Model, using the traditional 4 scale forced choice scoring process is still viable and useful, and will continue to be available.

Below is a graphic of what the DiSC® Classic Response Form looks like:

DiSC® Trainer Support  Materials
With Everything DiSC® Products, there are helpful group facilitator reports to help you prepare for your  DiSC® Presentation, and a DiSC® Culture Report to debrief the corporate culture within your group.

Sample DiSC® Facilitaor Report

Sample DiSC® Culture Report

Make DiSC® Training  Stick with DiSC® Comparison Reports

Sample Report – Person A to B
Sample Report – Person B to A

 Learn About Everything DiSC® –  Topic Specific Training Applications:

Everything DiSC® Workplace
Everything DiSC® Management

DiSC® Training Certification