You’ll benefit by using DiSC® Workplace Profiles When Giving People Feedback

Everything DiSC® Workplace Profiles can help you anticipate how an individual is likely to respond when you give them feedback.

For most people criticism is tough to take – even when people try to take the edge off criticism by calling it constructive feedback, it can still hurt.  Most people don’t enjoy criticizing others, and no one likes to be criticized.  Yet it’s still part of a manager’s job to help people close the gap between current and expected performance

By understanding an individual’s DiSC® Profile, you can learn to give feedback in a way that will lead to positive results.  What you have to say may not change, but how you say it may indeed change.

Tips for giving feedback “in style” – Using DiSC® Workplace Profile “styles”

Develop an action plan for giving feedback:

  • What feedback do I need to give?
  • Does this person seem to respond to correction as a D, i, S, or C?
  • How should I give the feedback so that it will be understood and accepted?
  • What kind of plan for improvement will be most effective?
  • When and how should I follow up?

Create a checklist for giving feedback to each D, I, S and C style.

Giving feedback to a high “D” – Dominant Style:

  • Be specific about their current performance and about what you require
  • Ask them to create an improvement plan and define a time frame for improvement
  • Clarify the consequences of unsatisfactory performance

Giving feedback to a high “i” – Influence Style

  • Be direct about the performance problem and its consequences
  • Allow enough discussion time, but remain focused
  • Commit to a deadline for specific improvement

Giving feedback to a high “S” – Steadiness Style

  • Define your expectations clearly and help them create a detailed plan for improvement
  • Recognize areas of good performance first
  • Provide feedback regularly in a warm and reassuring way

Giving feedback to a high “C” – Conscientiousness Style

  • Stick to the facts and be prepared for a defensive reaction
  • Give them enough time to formulate a plan
  • Agree on a formal review process and a timeline

View the Everything DiSC® Workplace Profile to gain insight about your employees.

Learn more about: Which Profiles to use or How Profiles Work

Our most popular DiSC® Profiles are:

Everything DiSC® Workplace Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Sales
 Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Management Profiles (online)

DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profiles (online)
DiSC® Classic Profiles (the original paper version)

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