Use DiSC® Workplace Profiles to keep your best talent from slipping out the door.

Managers can create a fun and engaging workplace where employees feel valued and appreciated. It all starts with learning the 3 A’s for employee engagement. Acknowledge, Accept and Appreciate behavioral differences.

DiSC® Workplace Profile - Keep Your TalentDiSC® Workplace can help you accomplish that. People want to work where they learn about themselves and each other – a place where they can feel connected and engaged.

A CEO of a large bank was determined to make their office a place people wanted to work. So, she implemented a DiSC® Workplace Profile training intervention called “Working Together.” It was a hit with all employees.

After that, she formed an employee event committee. She appointed three volunteers to head up the committee, set a budget and awaited the results. Soon there was cookouts, bowling parties, miniature golf outings, blue-jean Fridays, a surprise holiday bus tour to see Christmas lights and a surprise holiday trip to Wal-Mart where which each employee was given $10 to buy a secret Santa gift.

“The fun and laughter was contagious … it’s nice to see every once enjoy themselves and each other,” she said. “There’s a noticeable upbeat mood here after an event. Everyone is engaged, chatting, laughing. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money, yet the payoff can be significant.”

And that’s important, according to a report issued by the Society of Human Resource Management. (SHRM) If employers don’t want to lose their best talent, they need to fortify their employee retention and recognition programs. In a global survey of HR managers the group found that nine out of 10 human resource managers said employee engagement is a top staffing challenge. But just four in 10 companies track it. And just 15 percent measure the return on investment for their employee recognition programs.

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Learn more about: Which Profiles to use or How Profiles Work

The most popular DiSC® Profiles are:

Everything DiSC® Workplace Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Sales
 Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Management Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® Work of Leaders Profiles (online)
Everything DiSC® 363 for Leaders Profiles (online)

DiSC® Classic 2.0 Profiles (online)
DiSC® Classic Profiles (the original paper version)

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