DiSCĀ® Classic Profile – Influence Family – “Appraiser” Pattern – I/c Style

The Appraiser Pattern is the fourth of four patterns in the Influence family and has a primary “I” and a secondary “c” style.

People with the the I/c Appraiser pattern in their DiSCĀ® Classic Profile have a unique combination of styles.  Appraisers tend to be strong communicators, as Cā€™s measure their words carefully and Iā€™s are naturally skilled at influencing others. Appraisers are perceived as assertive rather than aggressive.   They elicit cooperation of others by showing consideration.  They use persuasion to involve others in projects. They are creative, direct, and accomplish results.

Appraisers are practical, and ensure progressive results by developing a detailed plan of action.   They have a desire to win and can become impatient when their high standards are not met.

Observable BehaviorsAre driven look good and succeed at all costs
Motivated ByWinning with flair!   Victory!
Judges  Others ByTheir willingness and ability to take initiative
Influences Others ByInvolving them and offering recognition
Value to the TeamBeing a team player and accomplishing goals
OverusesPosition and authority
When StressedBecomes critical and impatient
FearsDisapproval, loss, or failure

DiSCĀ® Classic Profile – Opportunities for Increased Effectiveness with Tasks and People:Ā 
Appraisers need to take the initiative when needed.Ā  A great strength of the Appraiser style is their adaptability –Ā the ability to move quickly, from the people oriented I tendency to the task oriented C tendency.Ā  Instead of standing by until something changes, Appraisers should jump in and express their own ideas and insights for their own good and the good of the group.Ā Ā  Appraisers would be well served to self-pace, and be more realistic about whatā€™s possible. And with people it is important to maintain sensitivity when things go wrong. They can be critical of self and others – their words can be offensive.Ā  They would do well to pace themselves and chill a bit and balance their social needs with their solitary needs.

It’s Your Turn

What do you think? Ā Tell us about your DiSCĀ® Classical Pattern and how you use your knowledge of DiSCĀ® Profiles in your work team byĀ posting your comments below!

Or… Click on the links below to view any of the 15 Ā DiSCĀ® Classical patterns

DiSCĀ® Classic Profile – High D Personality – The Dominance Family:
: Results Oriented, Inspirational, Creative

DiSCĀ® Classic Profile – High I Personality – Influence Family:
:Ā Persuader, Counselor, Appraiser

DiSCĀ® Classic Profile – High S Personality – Steadiness Family:
: Achiever, Agent, Investigator

DiSCĀ® Classic Profile – High C Personality – Conscientiousness Family:
Objective Thinker
: Perfectionist, and Practitioner

Order your personalizedĀ DiSCĀ® Classic ProfileĀ here.